Wednesday, January 30, 2008

back in business

Needless to say...we are back in Michigan...unfortunately, the weather in Michigan is not quite what I would call enjoyable. Yesterday it went from being 47 degrees to 17 degrees in a span of 3 hours. When I was driving home it was POURING rain. The roads were completely flooded. Well, once I got home it was POURING SNOW!!! All the water that had gathered on the roads has turned into ICE!! Complete ICE!! The good news is the snow day we got as a result. The bad news is the FRIGIDNESS that has come from the arctic "breeze."
Oh how I wish I was back in California...out where the sun is shining and my car isn't covered with snow and ice.

On the other hand...I started student teaching and absolutely LOVE my class!! My teacher is also amazing! So far, going to student teach is what is keeping me going. That and the fact that in about 140 days I am getting married to Dan, the most spectacular man ever!

In the end,

God is good, life is good, until tomorrow :)

Friday, January 18, 2008

fun and fancy free

Our time here in California is almost to an end. Times have been so extremely busy and exciting we have not been able to update this wonderful blog :) Basically since the last time I posted we have come into a new year, traveled to my dad's apartment in San Jose, celebrated Jeremy's 25th birthday, helped Jackie at school, went to IKEA, visited San Francisco, and Monterey, shopped in various malls and slept to our heart's content.
In all this we were also able to nail down a few more wedding details!! YAY!! ALL of my bridesmaids have their dresses, the caterers have been paid, the centerpieces have been designed, and rumor has it the honeymoon has been booked!!! Hopefully, things will go this smoothly when we return to Michigan.
And now it's time for a picture parade...

Happy 2008!

The birthday boy and his wife...
hahah love ya Jeremy and Jackie :)
Here's a better one:
We got lucky in this picture :)
the diver was right behind us!!

can you find the fish??
I think Jackie did!! Make sure you look closely at Jeremy's face
oh look! she's taller than an otter :)
God's beauty...
oh how I love the California coast

Jeremy and Jackie with the Lone Cypress
awww kissing by the cypress...That's my mom and dad for ya :)
In the end, we have had a most excellent time. Being in California has been so relaxing and incredibly fun! As much fun as this has been we must leave for snowy white Michigan on Monday where we get back to "real life." Dan will begin working as a substitute around the greater Grand Rapids while searching for a permanent teaching job. As for me, I begin student teaching in the 4th grade at Ada Christian Elementary. Life from here on out will be complete and utter chaos! But I am positive that through all this chaos we will find time to relax ;) HA!
Until next time...