So I’m sitting here on spring break with not much to do. Jennifer still has school this week and then spring break next week. Plus, she has the car each day so I really don’t have anything to do nor can I really go anywhere. Which had led me to try out knew things…one of these things is this activity called twitter. Let me explain.
Twittering is basically blogging on the go in short spurts. I never thought it would be something I would get into, but after just a short afternoon of it, it is really a lot of fun. Of course, no one is reading my twitters right now, but that hasn’t slowed me down. If you’re interested, this is a link to it.
Anyways, that’s all I’ve got right now. I will probably rent a video game or something for the remainder of spring break. I had great plans to do school work but don’t really feel like it. We will see if I get to it early in the week, or later.