Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas

For Christmas, I decided that I would start a blog with Dan to keep friends and family up-to-date on what is going on in our lives. So, here we are celebrating Christmas with my family in California-far from the frigidness of the Michigan snow :) Everything has been great! Just the other day, Justin convinced my dad to play our Wii!! Let me tell you, that was a very entertaining sight! Now, my dad plays with Justin all the time. Right now, he sticks to bowling; although, I think he tried baseball out earlier today as well. Come tomorrow, we will venture out to the beauty of Yosemite National Park. Dan has never been, so this should be quite an experience.

Here are a few pictures of our Wii adventures:
He takes position...
STRIKE!! on his first try at the Wii EVER!!!
Unfortunately, Justin was beaten by my dad...AND he lost his previous PRO status :( sorry bro ;)
and yes, you are seeing this MOM even tried her hand at Wii bowling...she's really a closet pro bowler ;)

life at the DenOuden household has been oh so fun these past few days...we'll see what the next month entails...

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