Friday, August 8, 2008

I found more pictures!

Here are more pictures I found of our apartment and the surroundings of Crown Point Christian School (CPCS)...
This is the water tower right outside CPCS-technically CPCS is in St. John, IN

The road to CPCS-oh I should let you know that Dan was taking all these pictures while I was interviewing for the position. He's such a trooper ;)
the "heart" of Crown Point, IN-which reminds me and Dan of Stars Hollow for Gilmore Girls
And now some more apartment pictures...these are as I am trying to pack for Mackinac Island...Dan is such a great help :D
Our guest room...don't worry it will be beautifully clean if you decide to visit
Love the bathroom with the fabulous IKEA shower curtain!!!
last but not least...a sneak peak at our bedroom...remember I am packing!
There are more to come-I promise. Next week I will have pictures of CPCS! Until then, Dan began "new teacher orientation" at school on Monday while I sit here at home. That's ok-I have been able to clean everyday, study up on Indiana state standards for Computer and Art, relax, and be a wonderful wife.
In other news, I am VERY excited that I might (if Justin decides he loves me) get to see JUSTIN!! It has been a month since I have seen my family and I can't wait until I get to possibly see my favorite younger brother as he travels back to Calvin College.
I love my brothers!
(Jeremy's 24th birthday-I just found these in my email!)


jackie said...

hooray for more pictures! love the shower curtain!!!

jackie said...

crown point is totally a stars hollow look alike!