Thursday, August 7, 2008

Our first adventure in Indiana

Even before we moved to Demotte, IN we were told about Fair Oaks Farms. The first time we heard about it was on the Discovery Channels Dirty Jobs, then we found out that Dan's mom's students is related to the Fair Oaks Farms family. Needless to say, we had to visit this place-plus it's actually close to our place-15 min! Unfortunately, we did not have a working camera at the time so we had to borrow one from DMC and then the batteries died shortly after we began taking pictures. We did manage to get a few shots though. Hope you enjoy...
The entrance...
It was so much fun!

Dan trying to beat the clock in attaching the milker

The birthing favorite :)

And now a pictures of our apartment...please look past the mess...we're in the "moving in" process still
the living room to the kitchen
yep...definitely messy...once I take more pictures/figure out where everything goes I will be sure to post them.

1 comment:

jackie said...

more pictures!!! i want more pictures!!! thanks for the update-that farm looks like a good time