Monday, December 22, 2008

Our 6 Month Anniversary

Well, we just celebrated our six month anniversary and we took a few pictures. I thought I would put them here so you can all see it. First we stopped at Jennifer's school to print a coupon for a free appetizer (it was a good deal), and then we realized as we walked into the school there was water ALL OVER THE PLACE...Apparently, an air conditioner in the library broke and was pouring water out for quite a while, since it was a snow day on Friday. Here are those pictures:

This is what we first saw as we walked in.

This is the door to the library.

Here is the water actually falling out of the ceiling. The doors were shut in the library for an entire day of this so when we walked in, it was very humid!

Here is the floor in the computer room, which is right next door to the library. It wasn't a pretty site.
That's all the pictures we have the leaky was an adventure. But after that, we did end up going out to eat at a place called Houlihans. Here are a few pictures of that:

These were the coasters we thought were pretty funny.

Here are the plates, they were cool.

That's all from our trip.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

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